NAACP MD Updates Sept 23-Sept 29

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NAACP Weekly Updates: Membership Mondays
September 23 September 29

As unit leaders of the NAACP, check out this week’s updates from NAACP Maryland State Conference Youth/College Division.

Count Every Vote Poster

Attention all Unit leaders. With efforts around the nation to suppress eligible voters, spread disinformation towards our intersectional communities, and prevent our communities from tapping into their people power, we must be #ALLIN for our communities and democracy. Check out these resources in ensuring your unit and communities are educated, informed, and empowered. Please check out resources below!

  • Please click here to read the full briefing from the State Board of Elections
  • Please repost/follow the State Board of Elections on Instagram @md_sbe
  • Please click here to report any election disinformation (if you see something say something)
  • Please click here to file a Civil Rights Complaint form from the state of Maryland
  • If your unit hasn’t already, please click here to sign up to receive your links (required)
  • If your unit hasn’t already, click here and check out our Get out to Vote (GOTV) Organizer Maryland
fired up and feed, food drive


“Injustice on Death-Row
The Imminent Execution of Marcellus Williams”

Written by Member Joshua Weeks
Click for the Article

An innocent man is facing execution for a crime he did not commit. Please read this article by fellow member Joshua Weeks to learn more!

Student Debt Virtual Clinic

Student Debt Crisis Center
September 24th, 2024
7:00pm EST
“Join Student Debt Crisis Center and Civic Nation for a workshop tailored to address the needs of borrowers. We will cover federal programs, provide breakout groups on specific topics, and give you the chance to schedule individual appointments with someone from our team”.

Are you interested in student debt advocacy? Are you interested in helping communities across America navigate their student loans? Please contact to learn more! Learn how to uplift others while forging networks with student debt activist across the nation. This effort is being coordinated by our partners at Student Debt Crisis Center!

NAACP youth & College

Urgent Letter 9/16

Javion MaGee Resource Document

Have you seen our urgent letter this afternoon? Though I wish this letter can be written with warmer news, it is paramount that we as change agents remember that our very service reflects our commitment to an America for all rather than a few. That said, one thing is clear- we’re sick and tired of the trauma/death faced by our intersectional communities especially as our fellow youth. 

On the evening of Wednesday, September 11th, a 21 year old truck driver was found hanging from the base of a tree within rural Vance County, North Carolina. Despite the families demands for transparency and timeliness regarding the death of their loved one, the family emphasized great difficulties in receiving transparent reports from law enforcement and medical examiners. As local/state entities continue their investigation, it is paramount that law enforcement agencies remain consistent in uplifting the same standard of communication for all our intersectional communities especially when losing loved ones. Especially when having to bury their loved ones when their whole life is ahead of them, and especially when families have to fight to get answers in this gut wrenching event. We not only extend our thoughts/prayers to Mr. MaGee alongside his family, but we stand with them in their calls to amplify their loved one as they await answers….

(Please check out our entire letter from earlier)

Financial Literacy Collaborations

Financial Literacy Collaborations

Check out our Theme Music

Is your unit interested in bringing financial literacy programming/resources to your community? Learn more from our very own State YCD Treasurer Torrey Deuce Rogers

As the school year starts back up, I would love to extend an invite for any of you lovely units to engage in our Financial Literacy Workshops. If you feel your unit could benefit from some free education provided by our partnership with Worlds Systems Builder, please let me know so I can arrange that for you! I only need you to let me know which dates you can guarantee your unit can host and I will get our educator to come to your unit. From there, provide proof that your space is booked and we can make it happen! If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me! 

Yours in Power, 
Treasurer Deuce with the Dues

Announcement 84th Annual NAACP Maryland State Convention Postponement

Announcement 84th Annual NAACP Maryland State Convention Postponement

Immediate announcement:
The 84th Annual NAACP Maryland State Convention shall be postpone until further notice. Once we are able to provide updates, we will let units know.

Join a State YCD Committee

Join a State YCD Committee

Join a state committee! If you’re a member in good standing, you’re eligible to serve on state committees! Represent your unit in efforts to advance Maryland. Though there are a number of committees, our active committees are as follows;

Sept 26
 National Inclusive Economy Forum:
(All Members Welcomed)7:00pm EST
Click here to RSVP

Oct 1
Civic Engagement (CE) Messaging, Research, and Activations Roll Out
(All Members Welcomed)
8:00pm EST
Click here to RSVP

Oct 2
Voter Challenges and Purges
(All Members Welcomed)
8:00pm EST
Click here to RSVP

Oct 3
GOTV Phone/Text Banking
(All Members Welcomed)
8:00pm EST
Click here to RSVP

Oct 5
 Youth Justice Advocacy Month (YJAM) Youth Symposium
Baltimore City (Location TBD)
Click here to Volunteer